Thursday, July 8, 2010

Where To Use Encrypt File Command?

This command may be used to encrypt the specified file (or specified files) using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm.  

Encrypt File
When this option is selected, a dialog is displayed where the user is prompted to specify the file(s) to be encrypted and enter a passphrase to be used as the encryption key.  The passphrase is case-sensitive and may be between 8 and 32 characters in length and may include any characters which may be typed.

By default the path for the active file will populate the File(s) to Encrypt field.  Users may specify the full path to a different file (or files) to be encrypted in this field.  The easiest way to do this would be to press the browse button beside the File(s) to Encrypt field which will present an Open dialog where users may navigate to the file(s) they wish to be encrypted.  If desired, multiple files may be encrypted by selecting them in the Open dialog (using the CTRL key and mouse or SHIFT key and mouse to select multiple items) and then pressing the Open button to pass the specified files back to the Encrypt File(s) dialog.  

If the files to be encrypted are specified manually, the full path must be specified and multiple files should be separated by a semi-colon and a space.  (Example: c:\sample\columnfind.txt; c:\sample\resource.h; c:\sample\main.cpp;"

The user must then enter and confirm the passphrase to be used for encrypting the specified files.  

PLEASE NOTE: The user MUST memorize or make note of the encryption passphrase specified.  The specified passphrase is not stored anywhere on the system or in the application files.  If this passphrase is forgotten/lost the encrypted data will be permanently unrecoverable.

If Replace Encrypted File If Exists is selected, then any encrypted files that already exist in the specified path with names and extensions matching the files selected for encryption would automatically be overwritten.

Once the specified file or multiple files are encrypted, an encryption status dialog will be displayed listing the files that are encrypted if the output window is not currently visible.  If the output window is visible, these items would be displayed in the output window.