The File menu includes the following commands:
New | creates a new document |
Open | opens an existing document |
Quick Open | opens an existing document allowing entry of name without browse dialog |
Close | closes an opened document |
Close All Files | closes all opened documents |
span class="hcp4">Close All Files Except This | closes all opened documents except the active one |
FTP/Telnet - FTP/SFTP Browser | presents FTP/SFTP Browser |
FTP/Telnet - Open from FTP | opens an existing document from an FTP site |
FTP/Telnet - Save As to FTP | saves an opened document to a specified file name on an FTP site |
FTP/Telnet - FTP Account Manager | shows or hides the FTP/SFTP Account Manager |
FTP/Telnet - SSH/Telnet Console | shows or hides the SSH/Telnet console |
FTP/Telnet - SSH/Telnet Account Manager | shows or hides the SSH/Telnet Account Manager |
Revert to Saved | reverts to saved file |
Save | saves an opened document using the same file name |
Save As | saves an opened document to a specified file name |
Save All | saves all modified documents using their current file names |
span class="hcp4">Save Selection As | saves selection to a new file |
Make Copy/Backup | makes a copy/backup of active file |
Encryption - Encrypt File | encrypts active file using user-specified passphrase |
Encryption - Decrypt File | decrypts active file using user-specified passphrase |
Rename File | renames active file |
Compare Files | compares two ASCII files |
Sort | sorts active file based on current sort options |
Sort - Advanced Sort/Options | presents advanced sorting and sort options dialog |
Conversions - UNIX/MAC to DOS | converts the file format from UNIX or MAC to DOS |
Conversions - DOS to MAC | converts the file format from DOS to MAC |
Conversions - DOS to UNIX | converts the file format from DOS to UNIX |
Conversions - EBCDIC to ASCII | converts the file format from EBCDIC to ASCII |
Conversions - ASCII to EBCDIC | converts the file format from ASCII to EBCDIC |
Conversions - OEM to ANSI | converts the file format from OEM to ANSI |
Conversions - ANSI to OEM | converts the file format from ANSI to OEM |
Conversions - ASCII to Unicode | converts the file format from ASCII to Unicode |
Conversions - UTF-8 to Unicode | converts the file format from UTF-8 to Unicode |
Conversions - Unicode to ASCII | converts the file format from Unicode to ASCII |
Conversions - UTF-8 to ASCII | converts the file format from UTF-8 to ASCII |
Conversions - ASCII to UTF-8 | converts the file format from ASCII to UTF-8 |
Conversions - Unicode/UTF-8 to UTF-8 | converts the file format from Unicode/UTF-8 to UTF-8 |
Conversions - Unicode/ASCII/UTF-8 to UTF-8 | converts the file format from Unicode/ASCII/UTF-8 to UTF-8 |
Conversions - UNICODE to UNICODE Big Endian | converts the file format from Unicode to Unicode (Big Endian) |
Conversions - UNICODE Big Endian to UNICODE | converts the file format from Unicode (Big Endian) to Unicode |
Delete Active File | deletes the disk file associated with the active window |
Send Mail | sends file via mail to recipients |
Print | prints a document |
Print All Files | prints all opened documents |
Print Preview | displays the document on the screen as it would appear printed |
Print Setup/Configuration - Page Setup | sets up page headers and footers for printing |
Print Setup/Configuration - Print Setup | selects a printer and printer connection |
Print Setup/Configuration - Set Printer Font | selects the printer font to use |
Print Setup/Configuration - Mirror Display Font | uses display font for the printer |
Favorite Files | opens favorite files, or manages the list |
Recent Files | opens recent files |
Recent Projects/Workspace | opens recent projects or workspaces |
Exit | exits UltraEdit |