Monday, July 5, 2010

Container in File Menu Toolbar

The File menu includes the following commands:

creates a new document
opens an existing document
Quick Open
opens an existing document allowing entry of name without browse dialog
closes an opened document
Close All Files
closes all opened documents
span class="hcp4">Close All Files Except This
closes all opened documents except the active one
FTP/Telnet - FTP/SFTP Browser
presents FTP/SFTP Browser
FTP/Telnet - Open from FTP
opens an existing document from an FTP site
FTP/Telnet - Save As to FTP
saves an opened document to a specified file name on an FTP site
FTP/Telnet - FTP Account Manager
shows or hides the FTP/SFTP Account Manager
FTP/Telnet - SSH/Telnet Console
shows or hides the SSH/Telnet console
FTP/Telnet - SSH/Telnet Account Manager
shows or hides the SSH/Telnet Account Manager
Revert to Saved
reverts to saved file
saves an opened document using the same file name
Save As
saves an opened document to a specified file name
Save All
saves all modified documents using their current file names
span class="hcp4">Save Selection As
saves selection to a new file
Make Copy/Backup
makes a copy/backup of active file
Encryption - Encrypt File
encrypts active file using user-specified passphrase
Encryption - Decrypt File
decrypts active file using user-specified passphrase
Rename File
renames active file
Compare Files
compares two ASCII files
sorts active file based on current sort options
Sort - Advanced Sort/Options
presents advanced sorting and sort options dialog
Conversions - UNIX/MAC to DOS
converts the file format from UNIX or MAC to DOS
Conversions - DOS to MAC
converts the file format from DOS to MAC
Conversions - DOS to UNIX
converts the file format from DOS to UNIX
Conversions - EBCDIC to ASCII
converts the file format from EBCDIC to ASCII
Conversions - ASCII to EBCDIC
converts the file format from ASCII to EBCDIC
Conversions - OEM to ANSI
converts the file format from OEM to ANSI
Conversions - ANSI to OEM
converts the file format from ANSI to OEM
Conversions - ASCII to Unicode
converts the file format from ASCII to Unicode
Conversions - UTF-8 to Unicode
converts the file format from UTF-8 to Unicode
Conversions - Unicode to ASCII
converts the file format from Unicode to ASCII
Conversions - UTF-8 to ASCII
converts the file format from UTF-8 to ASCII
Conversions - ASCII to UTF-8
converts the file format from ASCII to UTF-8
Conversions - Unicode/UTF-8 to UTF-8
converts the file format from Unicode/UTF-8 to UTF-8
Conversions - Unicode/ASCII/UTF-8 to UTF-8
converts the file format from Unicode/ASCII/UTF-8 to UTF-8
Conversions - UNICODE to UNICODE Big Endian
converts the file format from Unicode to Unicode (Big Endian)
Conversions - UNICODE Big Endian to UNICODE
converts the file format from Unicode (Big Endian) to Unicode
Delete Active File
deletes the disk file associated with the active window
Send Mail
sends file via mail to recipients
prints a document
Print All Files
prints all opened documents
Print Preview
displays the document on the screen as it would appear printed
Print Setup/Configuration - Page Setup
sets up page headers and footers for printing
Print Setup/Configuration - Print Setup
selects a printer and printer connection
Print Setup/Configuration - Set Printer Font
selects the printer font to use
Print Setup/Configuration - Mirror Display Font
uses display font for the printer
Favorite Files
opens favorite files, or manages the list
Recent Files
opens recent files
Recent Projects/Workspace
opens recent projects or workspaces
exits UltraEdit