Sunday, July 4, 2010

HowTo Work With Debuger Toolbar?

The Debugger toolbar provides an integrated method for invoking commands for use with the WinDbg debugger in UEStudio.  The following functions are supported:

Start Debugger
runs debugger - if debugger is not set yet, a dialog will be displayed where the debugger for the active project may be selected.
automatically starts the debugger and runs the application
ends a debugging session and then restarts
Stop Debugging
ends a debugging session
pauses target execution and returns control to debugger
Step Into
executes code one statement at a time, following execution into function calls
Step Out
executes remaining lines of a function in which the current execution point lies
Step Over
executes the next line of code but does not follow execution through any function calls
Run to Cursor
resumes execution of code from the current statement to the selected statement
Set Breakpoint
adds breakpoint at current cursor location
Remove Breakpoint
removes breakpoint at current cursor location
Call Stack Window
displays the Call Stack window to display a list of all active procedures or stack frames for the current thread of execution
Variables Window
displays the Variables window to view local variables and their values for each procedure in the current stack frame
Watch Window
displays the Watch window to view the values of selected variables or watch expressions
Registers Window
displays the Registers window to view registers
Memory Window
displays the Memory window to view memory contents of an address range
Disassembly Window
displays the Disassembly window to view code bytes for the process being debugged and the assembly instructions associated with them

* Please note: These features are only supported in UEStudio, and not in UltraEdit.