Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How To Utilize Special Command?

New command (File menu)

Use this command to create a new document in UltraEdit.  You can open an existing document with the Open command.

Shortcut:         CTRL+N

Open command (File menu)

Use this command to open an existing document (file) in a new window.  You can open multiple documents at once.  Use the Window menu to switch among the multiple open documents.  See Window 1, 2, ... command.

This command presents the File Open dialog.  This allows multiple files to be selected and opened at one time.

Files may also be opened by dragging them from the File Manager into UltraEdit's window and dropping them (releasing the mouse button).

You can create new documents with the New command.

Shortcut:        CTRL+O

Quick Open command (File menu)

Use this command to quickly open a file without the delay of showing a file browse dialog.  The directory from which the file is to be opened is shown in the dialog.  Relative paths as well as the filename may be entered.

With this command it is also possible to open with wildcards such as "*. txt".

The checkbox Open all matching files from subdirectories instructs UltraEdit to recursively search all subdirectories of the specified path (or default path) and open all files that match the specified name.

The file selected will be opened or an error displayed.

Shortcut: CTRL+Q 

Close command (File menu)

Use this command to close all windows containing the active document.  UltraEdit suggests that you save changes to your document before you close it.  If you close a document without saving you lose all changes made since the last time you saved it.  Before closing an untitled document UltraEdit displays the Save As dialog box and suggests that you name and save the document.

Shortcut: CTRL+F4 

Close All Files command (File menu)

Use this command to close all files currently opened for editing in UltraEdit.  UltraEdit suggests that you save changes to your document before you close it.  If you close a document without saving you lose all changes made since the last time you saved it.  Before closing an untitled document UltraEdit displays the Save As dialog box and suggests that you name and save the document.

Close All Files command (File menu)

Use this command to close all files currently opened for editing in UltraEdit.  UltraEdit suggests that you save changes to your document before you close it.  If you close a document without saving you lose all changes made since the last time you saved it.  Before closing an untitled document UltraEdit displays the Save As dialog box and suggests that you name and save the document.

Close All Files Except This command (File menu)

Use this command to close all files currently opened for editing in UltraEdit except the active file.  UltraEdit suggests that you save changes to your document before you close it.  If you close a document without saving you lose all changes made since the last time you saved it.  Before closing an untitled document UltraEdit displays the Save As dialog box and suggests that you name and save the document.

Close All Files Except This command (File menu)

Use this command to close all files currently opened for editing in UltraEdit except the active file.  UltraEdit suggests that you save changes to your document before you close it.  If you close a document without saving you lose all changes made since the last time you saved it.  Before closing an untitled document UltraEdit displays the Save As dialog box and suggests that you name and save the document.