Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cut, Copy, Paste & The Clipboards Tips

Cut command

Use this command to remove the currently selected data from the document and put it on the clipboard.  This command is unavailable if there is no data currently selected.
If Cut & Append to clipboard is selected the data is appended to the contents of the clipboard otherwise cutting data to the clipboard replaces the contents previously stored there.

Shortcut:         CTRL+X 

Copy command

Use this command to copy selected data onto the clipboard.  This command is unavailable if there is no data currently selected.
If Copy & Append to clipboard is selected the data is appended to the contents of the clipboard otherwise copying data to the clipboard replaces the contents previously stored there.

Shortcuts:         CTRL+C

Paste command

Use this command to insert a copy of the clipboard contents at the insertion point.  This command is unavailable if the clipboard is empty.

Shortcuts:         CTRL+V 


UltraEdit provides up to nine user clipboards for use with the CutCopy and Paste commands as well as the standard Windows Clipboard.  The active clipboard may be changed from the Edit Menu, or the Right Click context menu.  Additionally, Ctrl+1-9 will switch to the user clipboards and Ctrl+0 will switch to the Windows clipboard.
When changing the active clipboard the contents of the clipboards are not modified.  With the exception of the standard Windows Clipboard the contents of the clipboards are destroyed when UltraEdit is closed.
The active clipboard is shown in the Status Bar following the Line and Column indicator separated with a comma. 
Shortcut: CTRL+0-9