Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What Is UltraEdit?

UltraEdit is a commercial text editor for Microsoft Windows and Linux created in 1994 by Ian D. Mead. The editor contains tools for programmers, including macros, configurable syntax highlighting, code folding, file type conversions, project management, regular expressions for search-and-replace, a column-edit mode, remote editing of files via FTP, interfaces for APIs or command lines of choice and more. Files can be browsed and edited in tabs.

Originally called UltraEdit, it was designed to run in Windows 3.1. A version called UltraEdit-32 was later created to run in Windows NT and Windows 95. The last 16-bit UltraEdit program was 6.20b.
Beginning with version 11, the Wintertree spell check engine was replaced by GNU Aspell.
UltraEdit-32 was renamed to UltraEdit in version 14.00.

An installation of UltraEdit takes about 30 MB of disk space. It also supports Unicode and hex editing mode. It does not have complete support for Unicode and won't open files with Unicode names.
HTML editing features include:

  • Integration with CSE HTML Validator for offline HTML, XHTML and CSS checking
  • HTML toolbar preconfigured for popular functions and HTML tags
  • Customize tags in HTML toolbar or create new tags and buttons
  • CSS style builder
Menu Configurations In UltraEdit Studio

If Manage Menu Configurations is selected from the context menu the Menu Configurations dialog is presented.  If a name is entered in the New Name field then the currently active menus would be saved under this configuration name.  If a preconfigured menu name is selected (such as Basic) and the Reset button is pressed, this menu configuration would be restored to its default state.  If the Reset All button is pressed, all menu configurations shipped with UltraEdit would be restored to their default state and user-configured menu configurations would be deleted.

The user may then right click on a menu and select Customize and modify the menus for this configuration as described below.  If Customize Menu is selected the Menu Configuration dialog is presented and users may customize the currently active menus as described below.

Menu Configuration Dialog 

The Menu Configuration dialog consists of two panes labeled Menus and Commands along with a text entry field for New Menu/Submenu.  If Use check marks on menus is selected, check marks will be shown for selected menu items rather than the depressed menu icons.  This option helps resolve some issues seen with screen readers for disabled users.  Also included in the dialog are up/down and right/left arrows and an Edit button.  These items and their functionality are all described below:

Menus/Commands Configuration Panes

The currently active menus are displayed in the Menus pane with the items currently assigned to them in an Explorer interface.  Each menu or submenu heading is indicated by a line terminated in a square to the left of the menu/submenu name.  Double clicking on the heading indicator will cause the included items to be expanded/collapsed appropriately.

If a menu heading or item is selected and the Edit button is pressed the name for the menu/item may be modified.  Pressing Return on the keyboard will save the menu item change and pressing the OK button will commit the change so that this is reflected in the menus.

When a menu heading is selected the entire menu may be moved to a new location using the up/down and right/left arrows.  When a menu item is selected that item may be moved to a new location within the current menu by pressing the up/down buttons.  A menu item may be moved to the extreme top or bottom of its current menu.  If a menu item is part of a submenu, it cannot be moved outside the submenu.  If a menu item is part of a main menu, moving it up or down will cause it to "skip" any submenus it encounters.

The Commands pane displays all the functions currently available for use in the menus.  To move an item from the Commands pane to the Menus pane, click on the desired Commands item and press the left arrow in the center of the dialog to add the selected item.  Selected menu items will be added directly below the currently selected item in the Menus pane.  If there is no selection in the Menus pane, the item will be added at the top of the first menu listed.  Once items are added they may be repositioned within a menu as desired using the up/down arrows.

New Menus

To create a new menu/submenu, type the menu/submenu name (i.e. "Test1") in the New Menu field and press the left arrow button to the right of the New Menu field.  This will add a new, empty menu to the bottom of the Menus list.  Menus may be removed by selecting them and pressing the right arrow button in the center of the dialog.

The data for the configurable menus is stored in the % APPDATA% directory by default under IDM Comp\UltraEdit in the uedit32.mnu file.  (For UEStudio this would be under the UEStudio directory rather than the UltraEdit directory).  

When a menu is modified, its name is stored in the menu list followed by the date, e.g. "Advanced Saved [03.09.06]".  Backups or saved versions of menus may be selected by simply right-clicking on a menu and selecting the desired copy.